Posts tagged New Episode
Dazed and Disturbed 50 - Valentine's Day in Space!

Hi again all you lovely people! It's definitely been a bit. You were asking where we were? Well it's a long story, But I'm happy to announce that I've returned! Happy belated Valentine's Day! Like every great horror movie of yesterday when you have no clue what to do for your significant other or for Valentine's Day... You send them to space!! Or just somehow bring your character back as a zombie. Tune in to find out if Robert Pattinson should do porn or not!

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Do you have a story you want Danny and friends to cover? Do you have leads on something weird going on that you want to talk about Maybe you are apart of the wicked and weird things Danny covers on his show. We’d love to hear from you!

Email the show at

Find Danny on Twitch: dazed_and_disturbed

Be sure to tell your friends about the show on Apple Podcasts of Google Play or anywhere they download Podcasts.

Dazed and Disturbed 48 - Chillin' on Route 30 with Ed Piskor & Youngster Joseph

Happy holidays to all you lovely people! We're finally at the end of another year! Thank you so much to everyone who's shown us there love and support. This episode I'm spending Christmas with DJ youngster Joseph! He's taking me down route 30 (I.Y.K.Y.K.) as we get down with Ed Piskor's award winning comic Hip-Hop Family tree! Merry Christmas and catch you in 2022!

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Do you have a story you want Danny and friends to cover? Do you have leads on something weird going on that you want to talk about Maybe you are apart of the wicked and weird things Danny covers on his show. We’d love to hear from you!

Email the show at

Find Danny on Twitch: dazed_and_disturbed

Be sure to tell your friends about the show on Apple Podcasts of Google Play or anywhere they download Podcasts.

Dazed and Disturbed 47 - This Episode is About Blood and Dicks

You ever think back to the time you watched a music video that you enjoyed or something about what you're seeing just blew you away? Well, it wasn't like that for Nicole and I. See, We grew up in the era of the 90's and 2000's where it was the wild west when it came to people making crazy or controversial movies.This was the era where pain Olympics. or two girl one cup was all that was talked about on the playgrounds. We're not talking about either of those. We're talking about Extreme Music Videos! Join us as we sit down and watch some of these videos that made us into who we are today! If you'd like to join us, I'll link the videos that we saw!

 Daft Punk-Prime Time of Your Life

Nine Inch Nails- Happiness In Slavery

Skinny Puppy- Worlock

Danzig- It's Coming Down

M.I.A.- Born Free

Dir en Grey- Obscure

Cattle Decapitation- Forced Gender Reassignment

Cephalic Carnage- Ohrwrum

Some of the YouTube videos are age restricted, but I'm sure when creating your accounts you lied and put you were 100 years old,..Right?

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Do you have a story you want Danny and friends to cover? Do you have leads on something weird going on that you want to talk about Maybe you are apart of the wicked and weird things Danny covers on his show. We’d love to hear from you!

Email the show at

Find Danny on Twitch: dazed_and_disturbed

Be sure to tell your friends about the show on Apple Podcasts of Google Play or anywhere they download Podcasts.

Dazed and Disturbed 46 - JP IN THE HOUSE

Boy how does time fly. One moment you save up enough money to make an ep, the next you're recording for your first ever album, "And the Forgotten"! Join me as I welcome JP From Reverse the Cvrse again to the show! We were sharing some smokes as he gave us the inside scoop of his first ever album the he tells me he wants the band Queen to Disappear! It's true! He said it himself!

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Do you have a story you want Danny and friends to cover? Do you have leads on something weird going on that you want to talk about Maybe you are apart of the wicked and weird things Danny covers on his show. We’d love to hear from you!

Email the show at

Find Danny on Twitch: dazed_and_disturbed

Be sure to tell your friends about the show on Apple Podcasts of Google Play or anywhere they download Podcasts.

Dazed and Disturbed 45 - Danny Gets Fingered by Ghostface Halloween 2021

Fuck, marry, or kill?! Matthew Lillard, Skeet Ulrich, and Jamie Kennedy…. And just for an added bonus, Henry Winkler!

This week, we brave a movie I’ve been dreading to watch since the wee age of 3. I’m not talking about the miracle of birth, I’m talking about Scream! To this day, Drew Barrymore’s burnt popcorn haunts me.

Join us as we re-live every 90s teen’s favoring slasher film, and, MY worst nightmare- you’ll find out why.

Also, how the fuck do you pronounce Neve Campbell?

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Do you have a story you want Danny and friends to cover? Do you have leads on something weird going on that you want to talk about Maybe you are apart of the wicked and weird things Danny covers on his show. We’d love to hear from you!

Email the show at

Find Danny on Twitch: dazed_and_disturbed

Be sure to tell your friends about the show on Apple Podcasts of Google Play or anywhere they download Podcasts.

Dazed and Disturbed 43 - The Dolphin House

Listen to the tragic tale or two lovers forbidden to act on their feelings. Shackled down by a society who views their love immoral. All the while a mad scientist is trying to break through the veil of life by taking elixers of magic to communicate with what's beyond our mortal world. I'm joined by a sobbing NPC Paul fr the NPC podcast as I regale the story of the infamous experiments done in the Dolphin house. (No but in all seriousness she fucks the Dolphin and Johnny gives the Dolphin some acid. The 60s were wild, man.)
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Do you have a story you want Danny and friends to cover? Do you have leads on something weird going on that you want to talk about Maybe you are apart of the wicked and weird things Danny covers on his show. We’d love to hear from you!

Email the show at

Find Danny on Twitch: dazed_and_disturbed

Be sure to tell your friends about the show on Apple Podcasts of Google Play or anywhere they download Podcasts.

Dazed and Disturbed 40 - Holy Mountian

Join us this week as we dive into a film that takes us all the way back to the groovy 70s into the vision and mind of the great Alejandro Jodorowsky. Watching this movie feels like stepping into a living acid trip. A pretty and thought provoking acid trip but nonetheless, Moxie and I had fun trying to decipher the messages behind it!

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Do you have a story you want Danny and friends to cover? Do you have leads on something weird going on that you want to talk about Maybe you are apart of the wicked and weird things Danny covers on his show. We’d love to hear from you!

Email the show at

Find Danny on Twitch: dazed_and_disturbed

Be sure to tell your friends about the show on Apple Podcasts of Google Play or anywhere they download Podcasts.

Dazed and Disturbed 39 - Cows

Cows man, that's it. That's the whole post. Get fucked Matthew Stroke. I've never read anything so vile that it made me sick to read. I'm joined this week by two other victims who felt just as disgusted by what we read over the weekend. If you have a weak stomach, avoid this book.

Trigger warning for like everything. This book touches on so many sick and vile things. I need bleach for my eyeballs.

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Do you have a story you want Danny and friends to cover? Do you have leads on something weird going on that you want to talk about Maybe you are apart of the wicked and weird things Danny covers on his show. We’d love to hear from you!

Email the show at

Find Danny on Twitch: dazed_and_disturbed

Be sure to tell your friends about the show on Apple Podcasts of Google Play or anywhere they download Podcasts.

Dazed and Disturbed 38 - It's Frankensteen not Frankenstein's Army!

What do you get when you get when you mix ganja with a lackluster story mixed with really cool visuals? You get a grand ol' time!! Wf660 (bitchboi) and I give your thoughts on the movie Frankenstein's Army! We've said it in many times in the episode but the monsters were really freaking cool! Great job Richard Raaphorst! Sorry to hear about Capcom boning you and stuff.

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Do you have a story you want Danny and friends to cover? Do you have leads on something weird going on that you want to talk about Maybe you are apart of the wicked and weird things Danny covers on his show. We’d love to hear from you!

Email the show at

Find Danny on Twitch: dazed_and_disturbed

Be sure to tell your friends about the show on Apple Podcasts of Google Play or anywhere they download Podcasts.

Dazed and Disturbed 37 - Beaver Bong!

I don't even remember what happened on half this trip. All I know is that I turned on my mic at a party and I sat down with a bunch of strangers and just went at it. Join in on the party and see what transpired during Madam Moxie's and my vacation to Hawaii! There's talk about ghosts, experiences, and a special guest appearance of Chef Gordon Ramsey! The last parts a lie, but we do get some new guests! Sit down with us and take a sip of some yucka? yucca? however it spelt!

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Do you have a story you want Danny and friends to cover? Do you have leads on something weird going on that you want to talk about Maybe you are apart of the wicked and weird things Danny covers on his show. We’d love to hear from you!

Email the show at

Find Danny on Twitch: dazed_and_disturbed

Be sure to tell your friends about the show on Apple Podcasts of Google Play or anywhere they download Podcasts.

Dazed and Disturbed 35 - School Girl in Cement

What do you get when you get a topic so horrible that it actually makes your hosts shiver at at the mention of this poor girls name. Not going to lie, this was a tough one for Violet and I. We got lost in this case. Join us to hear the sad story that the Japanese newspapers dubbed "The Schoolgirl encased in Cement" or as it's commonly known as The murder of Junko Furuta. Let us know what your thoughts about this case where. Do you think justice was actually served here? (TRIGGER WARNING FOR THOSE WHO NEED ONE)

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Do you have a story you want Danny and friends to cover? Do you have leads on something weird going on that you want to talk about Maybe you are apart of the wicked and weird things Danny covers on his show. We’d love to hear from you!

Email the show at

Find Danny on Twitch: dazed_and_disturbed

Be sure to tell your friends about the show on Apple Podcasts of Google Play or anywhere they download Podcasts.

Dazed and Disturbed 33 - Meals to Die For and a Happy Belated 4/20 to You

Hey everyone! I'm back! No I didn't die! I've been actually been sick/stoned in bed catching up on a lot of reading. I came across this book by Brian D. Price called Meals to Die For. Before you think it's a mystery novel. It's actually about the man known as the "Death-row chef", and what meals he cooked for nearly 200 inmates that were sentenced to death in the Texas prisons in the 90's. Join me as we find out why some of these inmates were sentenced to death and what they requested as their last meals. Shout out to Brian D. Price for the recipes you left in the back of the book. I'm about to make your "Old Sparky's Tex-Mex Chalupas" for dinner after this recording!

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Do you have a story you want Danny and friends to cover? Do you have leads on something weird going on that you want to talk about Maybe you are apart of the wicked and weird things Danny covers on his show. We’d love to hear from you!

Email the show at

Find Danny on Twitch: dazed_and_disturbed

Be sure to tell your friends about the show on Apple Podcasts of Google Play or anywhere they download Podcasts.

Dazed and Disturbed 27 - How to Torture for Dummies

Ever thought about how life can't get that bad? Well your right! You're the spitting image of living the good life now! Congrats! At least you aren't the people who've been subjugated to heinous acts of torture like the people on today's episode. I'm joined once again by Nicole! Listen in as I try not to hurl at some of the more gruesome ones!

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Do you have a story you want Danny and friends to cover? Do you have leads on something weird going on that you want to talk about Maybe you are apart of the wicked and weird things Danny covers on his show. We’d love to hear from you!

Email the show at

Find Danny on Twitch: dazed_and_disturbed

Be sure to tell your friends about the show on Apple Podcasts of Google Play or anywhere they download Podcasts.

Dazed and Disturbed 24 - Best of 2020

Thank you all for listening to this great new show! It’s means a lot to us that you gave this strange show a chance.

Here’s to a great year for podcasting and for another one coming!

- Silver Tongue Audio

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Do you have a story you want Danny and friends to cover? Do you have leads on something weird going on that you want to talk about Maybe you are apart of the wicked and weird things Danny covers on his show. We’d love to hear from you!

Email the show at

Be sure to tell your friends about the show on Apple Podcasts of Google Play or anywhere they download Podcasts.

Dazed and Disturbed 23 - CrappyPasta

We all deserve to have a gift in our stocking this year. From the crew at DnD, we wanted to give you one last lump of coal to end 2020 on. Crappypasta is the name of the episode! we're going to read you poorly written Creepypastas! Hope it puts a smile on your face like it did for us! Thank you so much for listening to us this entire year! We're so happy that you've checked us out! See you in 2021!

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Do you have a story you want Danny and friends to cover? Do you have leads on something weird going on that you want to talk about Maybe you are apart of the wicked and weird things Danny covers on his show. We’d love to hear from you!

Email the show at

Be sure to tell your friends about the show on Apple Podcasts of Google Play or anywhere they download Podcasts.

Dazed and Disturbed 22 - Alien Abduction Nonsense

It's the anniversary of alien abductions! Strange right? Well here it is. Vanlay and Nicholas join me in talking about the grey and green fellas from outer-space!

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Do you have a story you want Danny and friends to cover? Do you have leads on something weird going on that you want to talk about Maybe you are apart of the wicked and weird things Danny covers on his show. We’d love to hear from you!

Email the show at

Be sure to tell your friends about the show on Apple Podcasts of Google Play or anywhere they download Podcasts.

Dazed and Disturbed 21 - Interview with a Witch Part 3

While the month of October may be over, we can now look forward to the celebration of Yule. Where we can all eat, drink, smoke , and screw one another into a new year! We have one very last part of the Interview I conducted with a witch. It was so fun talking to Mercury. If you like what she's all about, or want to comment your thoughts on what you thought about what she says, let me know! I would love to hear what you all have to say!

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Do you have a story you want Danny and friends to cover? Do you have leads on something weird going on that you want to talk about Maybe you are apart of the wicked and weird things Danny covers on his show. We’d love to hear from you!

Email the show at

Be sure to tell your friends about the show on Apple Podcasts of Google Play or anywhere they download Podcasts.

Dazed and Disturbed 20 - Interview with a Witch Part 2

part 2 write up:

Happy Samhain! This is part 2 of an ongoing episode where I had the opportunity to interview a real witch! Other witches out there in the world, this message goes out to you. Holy shit, Witchcraft is insane.

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Do you have a story you want Danny and friends to cover? Do you have leads on something weird going on that you want to talk about Maybe you are apart of the wicked and weird things Danny covers on his show. We’d love to hear from you!

Email the show at

Be sure to tell your friends about the show on Apple Podcasts of Google Play or anywhere they download Podcasts.

Dazed and Disturbed 19 - Interview with a Witch

Happy Halloween, you spooky folk out there! It's almost that time of year where the veil of the spirits and the living intermingle! A great way to lead us into that may be someone who specializes in that, right? Someone who's knowledgeable in arcane magics? Join us today as I had the pleasure of interviewing a living breathing witch!

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Do you have a story you want Danny and friends to cover? Do you have leads on something weird going on that you want to talk about Maybe you are apart of the wicked and weird things Danny covers on his show. We’d love to hear from you!

Email the show at

Be sure to tell your friends about the show on Apple Podcasts of Google Play or anywhere they download Podcasts.

Dazed and Disturbed 18 - S.C.P.

Secure. Contain. Protect. That's the name of the game in this brand new installment of our show. This week I finally got a hold of someone who got a doctorate degree in finding out what lurks in the shadows. You may recognize him as Doctor Tortellini. Join us as we talk about an illusive government sanctioned operation to keep you listeners safe at night from all the boogeymen.
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Do you have a story you want Danny and friends to cover? Do you have leads on something weird going on that you want to talk about Maybe you are apart of the wicked and weird things Danny covers on his show. We’d love to hear from you!

Email the show at

Be sure to tell your friends about the show on Apple Podcasts of Google Play or anywhere they download Podcasts.