Posts tagged Stoner
Dazed and Disturbed - 44 Red Room

Ahhh October. The month full of warm sweaters, warmer pumpkin spice lattes, and even warmer red blood. This week I dive into Ed Piskor's controversial comic Red Room. Is it graphic? Yes, Is it Halloween vibes, most definitely. Should you visit a real red room? HELL NO! Instead tune in to this episode to see for yourself how Eddy boy portrays the real deal!

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Do you have a story you want Danny and friends to cover? Do you have leads on something weird going on that you want to talk about Maybe you are apart of the wicked and weird things Danny covers on his show. We’d love to hear from you!

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Dazed and Disturbed 22 - Alien Abduction Nonsense

It's the anniversary of alien abductions! Strange right? Well here it is. Vanlay and Nicholas join me in talking about the grey and green fellas from outer-space!

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Do you have a story you want Danny and friends to cover? Do you have leads on something weird going on that you want to talk about Maybe you are apart of the wicked and weird things Danny covers on his show. We’d love to hear from you!

Email the show at

Be sure to tell your friends about the show on Apple Podcasts of Google Play or anywhere they download Podcasts.

Dazed and Disturbed Fun Facts 2

Fun Facts X has returned! This week I have found 9 new facts! I've also slipped in one blatant lie. Some of these I couldn't believe actually existed until I did a little research on them. By research I mean, I searched for it on the web and boom, Mind blown! I should maybe do a contest to see who can spot the lie first....We'll see! Enjoy!

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Do you have a story you want Danny and friends to cover? Do you have leads on something weird going on that you want to talk about Maybe you are apart of the wicked and weird things Danny covers on his show. We’d love to hear from you!

Email the show at

Be sure to tell your friends about the show on Apple Podcasts of Google Play or anywhere they download Podcasts.

Dazed and Disturbed Fun Facts 1

So on this week's episode we are going to run it somewhat differently with a new segment called "Fun Facts X". It's going to be rapid fire, so pay attention students. Professor de los Monstrous is going to introduce you to some ideas to think about. Ignore the name Mysterious Fun Facts. Slept on it, and "Fun Facts X" sounds way better.
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Do you have a story you want Danny and friends to cover? Do you have leads on something weird going on that you want to talk about Maybe you are apart of the wicked and weird things Danny covers on his show. We’d love to hear from you!

Email the show at

Be sure to tell your friends about the show on Apple Podcasts of Google Play or anywhere they download Podcasts.

Dazed and Disturbed 14 - Exorcisms

throughout this episode you will hear the word, "Like and Hella" thrown around in such a careless fashion. You can definitely tell where Van Leigh and I are from. Today's episode will consist of the topic known throughout history, fiction, and media. We are doing Possessions and Exorcisms! We take a look at different cultures and take on the idea of possessions. Special guest starring Ibrahim.

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Do you have a story you want Danny and friends to cover? Do you have leads on something weird going on that you want to talk about Maybe you are apart of the wicked and weird things Danny covers on his show. We’d love to hear from you!

Email the show at

Be sure to tell your friends about the show on Apple Podcasts of Google Play or anywhere they download Podcasts.

Dazed and Disturbed Episode 12 - 1000 Ways to Die Throughout Time

We thought we’d lighten things up this week with a trip though time to the strangest and, admittedly funny ways people have died. From Greece to the Americas, B.C. to A.D. these poor soul’s end was a lesson to us all: “Don’t be like me”

* * * * * * * * *

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Do you have a story you want Danny and friends to cover? Do you have leads on something weird going on that you want to talk about Maybe you are apart of the wicked and weird things Danny covers on his show. We’d love to hear from you!

Email the show at

Be sure to tell your friends about the show on Apple Podcasts of Google Play or anywhere they download Podcasts.

Dazed and Disturbed 13 - Madam Moxie's Story Time

Slip into something comfy, pull up the bar cart, and grab your favorite teddy bear. After a long day of being yourselves, kick back and let Madam Moxie guide you through imagination land filled with beavers and hot nuts. This ain't the Reading Rainbow you grew up on, but it'll still take you high like a butterfly..

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Do you have a story you want Danny and friends to cover? Do you have leads on something weird going on that you want to talk about Maybe you are apart of the wicked and weird things Danny covers on his show. We’d love to hear from you!

Email the show at

Be sure to tell your friends about the show on Apple Podcasts of Google Play or anywhere they download Podcasts.

Dazed and Disturbed 7 - Buffalo Bill of Poland

Quid pro quo. Why did you decide to come to listen to a story about a mysterious killer who skinned his victim(s). Well, Clarice? Do you think it will help the lambs to stop screaming? Yes everyone! We have returned, with a grizzly murder by the Buffalo Bill of Poland. Tune in to hear the sad tale of Katarzyna Zowada and her involvement in the real life recreation of the movie Silence of the Lambs. Disclaimer for those of weak stomachs. Don't go searching for anything online. Just watch the movie and simply imagine.

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Do you have a story you want Danny and friends to cover? Do you have leads on something weird going on that you want to talk about Maybe you are apart of the wicked and weird things Danny covers on his show. We’d love to hear from you!

Email the show at

Be sure to tell your friends about the show on Apple Podcasts of Google Play or anywhere they download Podcasts.

Dazed and Disturbed 2 - Body Mods

Ever seen a dude stick saline water into his forehead so he fits in with the cool kids? Ever wonder if it was possible, or plausible, to put real jewels behind your eyes so you can claim you are the jewel of someone’s eyes? If you answered no to either of these then congratulations! I never thought of asking these questions either until Nicole the Troll told me about this phenomena called EXTREME body modifications. Before you say tattoos are extreme, they aren’t. That’s weenie stuff compared to what this episode has in store.

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Do you have a story you want Danny and friends to cover? Do you have leads on something weird going on that you want to talk about Maybe you are apart of the wicked and weird things Danny covers on his show. We’d love to hear from you!

Email the show at

Be sure to tell your friends about the show on Apple Podcasts of Google Play or anywhere they download Podcasts

Dazed and Disturbed 1 - Cicada 3301

On the very first episode of Dazed and Disturbed, Danny sits down with his buddy Able who participated in a strange ARG called Cicada 3301.

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Do you have a story you want Danny and friends to cover? Do you have leads on something weird going on that you want to talk about Maybe you are apart of the wicked and weird things Danny covers on his show. We’d love to hear from you!

Email the show at

Be sure to tell your friends about the show on Apple Podcasts of Google Play or anywhere they download Podcasts