Posts tagged Films
Dazed and Disturbed 48 - Chillin' on Route 30 with Ed Piskor & Youngster Joseph

Happy holidays to all you lovely people! We're finally at the end of another year! Thank you so much to everyone who's shown us there love and support. This episode I'm spending Christmas with DJ youngster Joseph! He's taking me down route 30 (I.Y.K.Y.K.) as we get down with Ed Piskor's award winning comic Hip-Hop Family tree! Merry Christmas and catch you in 2022!

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Do you have a story you want Danny and friends to cover? Do you have leads on something weird going on that you want to talk about Maybe you are apart of the wicked and weird things Danny covers on his show. We’d love to hear from you!

Email the show at

Find Danny on Twitch: dazed_and_disturbed

Be sure to tell your friends about the show on Apple Podcasts of Google Play or anywhere they download Podcasts.

Dazed and Disturbed 38 - It's Frankensteen not Frankenstein's Army!

What do you get when you get when you mix ganja with a lackluster story mixed with really cool visuals? You get a grand ol' time!! Wf660 (bitchboi) and I give your thoughts on the movie Frankenstein's Army! We've said it in many times in the episode but the monsters were really freaking cool! Great job Richard Raaphorst! Sorry to hear about Capcom boning you and stuff.

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Do you have a story you want Danny and friends to cover? Do you have leads on something weird going on that you want to talk about Maybe you are apart of the wicked and weird things Danny covers on his show. We’d love to hear from you!

Email the show at

Find Danny on Twitch: dazed_and_disturbed

Be sure to tell your friends about the show on Apple Podcasts of Google Play or anywhere they download Podcasts.

Dazed and Disturbed 15 - Bible Black

Ho, boy. this one is probably going to get a lot of complaints, but the masses must know about this disaster piece! On Dazed and Disturbed we welcome the wonderful world of "Bible Black". Full of all of it's satanic non-sense, rich with horrible line reading, and best of all so much gravity defying boobs. Yes, Madam Moxie and I have a lot to say on this gem. So cum on in! The blood feels great!
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Do you have a story you want Danny and friends to cover? Do you have leads on something weird going on that you want to talk about Maybe you are apart of the wicked and weird things Danny covers on his show. We’d love to hear from you!

Email the show at

Be sure to tell your friends about the show on Apple Podcasts of Google Play or anywhere they download Podcasts.

Dazed and Disturbed 5 - Extreme Horror Films

Ahh the good ol’ days of going into your local video rental shop and going straight to the video nasties section. Can anyone relate? Oh, that was just me and my horror enthusiast Nicole the Troll? She’s back like Jason Voorhees in all fourteen of those sequels! Where we talk about gorey, gooey, nasty, goodness. Want to hear which movies we think are great picks for the list? Well then hurry up and click the link! Maybe make us some recommendations to put on our radar!
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Do you have a story you want Danny and friends to cover? Do you have leads on something weird going on that you want to talk about Maybe you are apart of the wicked and weird things Danny covers on his show. We’d love to hear from you!

Email the show at

Be sure to tell your friends about the show on Apple Podcasts of Google Play or anywhere they download Podcasts.