Posts tagged New Guest
Dazed and Disturbed 51 - BRING ON THE BASS

And just like a great horror movie villain, I HAVE returned!!!! I missed you all. On my time away I found spiritual awakening! All thanks to the power of music. Now I have an ear infection because I've been blasting these artists in my ear! This week I got the chance to sit down with Lucy Stoner, WyRaM, and OmgJoJo! Three of the coolest artists in the DJ scene! Check out some of their music when you get the chance and get ready to dance the night away!

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Do you have a story you want Danny and friends to cover? Do you have leads on something weird going on that you want to talk about Maybe you are apart of the wicked and weird things Danny covers on his show. We’d love to hear from you!

Email the show at

Find Danny on Twitch: dazed_and_disturbed

Be sure to tell your friends about the show on Apple Podcasts of Google Play or anywhere they download Podcasts.

Dazed and Disturbed 42 - Peculiar Taste for Peculiar People

Let's keep things light-hearted! The last few may have been a little tough to listen to, so why don't we talk about something gross instead? This week Van Leigh returns, and she brought asking a new friend. Athen And I get to talk about really weird pornos. Has anybody ever heard of a beaver bong?

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Do you have a story you want Danny and friends to cover? Do you have leads on something weird going on that you want to talk about Maybe you are apart of the wicked and weird things Danny covers on his show. We’d love to hear from you!

Email the show at

Find Danny on Twitch: dazed_and_disturbed

Be sure to tell your friends about the show on Apple Podcasts of Google Play or anywhere they download Podcasts.

Dazed and Disturbed 38 - It's Frankensteen not Frankenstein's Army!

What do you get when you get when you mix ganja with a lackluster story mixed with really cool visuals? You get a grand ol' time!! Wf660 (bitchboi) and I give your thoughts on the movie Frankenstein's Army! We've said it in many times in the episode but the monsters were really freaking cool! Great job Richard Raaphorst! Sorry to hear about Capcom boning you and stuff.

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Do you have a story you want Danny and friends to cover? Do you have leads on something weird going on that you want to talk about Maybe you are apart of the wicked and weird things Danny covers on his show. We’d love to hear from you!

Email the show at

Find Danny on Twitch: dazed_and_disturbed

Be sure to tell your friends about the show on Apple Podcasts of Google Play or anywhere they download Podcasts.

Dazed and Disturbed 31 - ARGs with The NPCs

On this week's episode we are doing a crossover episode with one of the other podcast on silvertoungeaudio! We have NPC Paul and Grumpy Cat Galore Katy or the NPC podcast! We look into some alternate reality stories full of twisted story telling and cryptic messages that we all try to decipher! I mean most of us did. Poor Katy was hungry and tired. Editor, give Katy a coffee and some chicken enchiladas will you?

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Do you have a story you want Danny and friends to cover? Do you have leads on something weird going on that you want to talk about Maybe you are apart of the wicked and weird things Danny covers on his show. We’d love to hear from you!

Email the show at

Find Danny on Twitch: dazed_and_disturbed

Be sure to tell your friends about the show on Apple Podcasts of Google Play or anywhere they download Podcasts.

Dazed and Disturbed 21 - Interview with a Witch Part 3

While the month of October may be over, we can now look forward to the celebration of Yule. Where we can all eat, drink, smoke , and screw one another into a new year! We have one very last part of the Interview I conducted with a witch. It was so fun talking to Mercury. If you like what she's all about, or want to comment your thoughts on what you thought about what she says, let me know! I would love to hear what you all have to say!

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Do you have a story you want Danny and friends to cover? Do you have leads on something weird going on that you want to talk about Maybe you are apart of the wicked and weird things Danny covers on his show. We’d love to hear from you!

Email the show at

Be sure to tell your friends about the show on Apple Podcasts of Google Play or anywhere they download Podcasts.

Dazed and Disturbed 20 - Interview with a Witch Part 2

part 2 write up:

Happy Samhain! This is part 2 of an ongoing episode where I had the opportunity to interview a real witch! Other witches out there in the world, this message goes out to you. Holy shit, Witchcraft is insane.

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Do you have a story you want Danny and friends to cover? Do you have leads on something weird going on that you want to talk about Maybe you are apart of the wicked and weird things Danny covers on his show. We’d love to hear from you!

Email the show at

Be sure to tell your friends about the show on Apple Podcasts of Google Play or anywhere they download Podcasts.

Dazed and Disturbed 19 - Interview with a Witch

Happy Halloween, you spooky folk out there! It's almost that time of year where the veil of the spirits and the living intermingle! A great way to lead us into that may be someone who specializes in that, right? Someone who's knowledgeable in arcane magics? Join us today as I had the pleasure of interviewing a living breathing witch!

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Do you have a story you want Danny and friends to cover? Do you have leads on something weird going on that you want to talk about Maybe you are apart of the wicked and weird things Danny covers on his show. We’d love to hear from you!

Email the show at

Be sure to tell your friends about the show on Apple Podcasts of Google Play or anywhere they download Podcasts.

Dazed and Disturbed 16 - Book Club

Good evening or morning! today I invite you all to sit down and have a cuppa with us? who's us you might ask? Well, their an old familiar voice you may recognize as Nicole! Her and I have been so bored with being quarantined that we decided to dust off some of the old books and give them a read once again. Join us as we give you some of the books that we think you may actually like reading yourselves! Except for Joe Hill.....f*** Joe Hill. That f****** guy is quack. Don't sue us Joe Hill.
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Do you have a story you want Danny and friends to cover? Do you have leads on something weird going on that you want to talk about Maybe you are apart of the wicked and weird things Danny covers on his show. We’d love to hear from you!

Email the show at

Be sure to tell your friends about the show on Apple Podcasts of Google Play or anywhere they download Podcasts.

Dazed and Disturbed 14 - Exorcisms

throughout this episode you will hear the word, "Like and Hella" thrown around in such a careless fashion. You can definitely tell where Van Leigh and I are from. Today's episode will consist of the topic known throughout history, fiction, and media. We are doing Possessions and Exorcisms! We take a look at different cultures and take on the idea of possessions. Special guest starring Ibrahim.

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Do you have a story you want Danny and friends to cover? Do you have leads on something weird going on that you want to talk about Maybe you are apart of the wicked and weird things Danny covers on his show. We’d love to hear from you!

Email the show at

Be sure to tell your friends about the show on Apple Podcasts of Google Play or anywhere they download Podcasts.

Dazed and Disturbed 7 - Buffalo Bill of Poland

Quid pro quo. Why did you decide to come to listen to a story about a mysterious killer who skinned his victim(s). Well, Clarice? Do you think it will help the lambs to stop screaming? Yes everyone! We have returned, with a grizzly murder by the Buffalo Bill of Poland. Tune in to hear the sad tale of Katarzyna Zowada and her involvement in the real life recreation of the movie Silence of the Lambs. Disclaimer for those of weak stomachs. Don't go searching for anything online. Just watch the movie and simply imagine.

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Do you have a story you want Danny and friends to cover? Do you have leads on something weird going on that you want to talk about Maybe you are apart of the wicked and weird things Danny covers on his show. We’d love to hear from you!

Email the show at

Be sure to tell your friends about the show on Apple Podcasts of Google Play or anywhere they download Podcasts.

Dazed and Disturbed 5 - Extreme Horror Films

Ahh the good ol’ days of going into your local video rental shop and going straight to the video nasties section. Can anyone relate? Oh, that was just me and my horror enthusiast Nicole the Troll? She’s back like Jason Voorhees in all fourteen of those sequels! Where we talk about gorey, gooey, nasty, goodness. Want to hear which movies we think are great picks for the list? Well then hurry up and click the link! Maybe make us some recommendations to put on our radar!
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Do you have a story you want Danny and friends to cover? Do you have leads on something weird going on that you want to talk about Maybe you are apart of the wicked and weird things Danny covers on his show. We’d love to hear from you!

Email the show at

Be sure to tell your friends about the show on Apple Podcasts of Google Play or anywhere they download Podcasts.

Dazed and Disturbed 4 - Madam Moxie

I am joined by a guest today, she is a man of many faces. She’s got the looks, the style, the pizzazz, yes everyone contain yourselves! It’s Madam Moxie. Coming to you live to a podcast near you! I would also like to state. Yes, I know what I said. It’s California
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Do you have a story you want Danny and friends to cover? Do you have leads on something weird going on that you want to talk about? Maybe you are apart of the wicked and weird things Danny covers on his show. We’d love to hear from you!

Email the show at

Be sure to tell your friends about the show on Apple Podcasts of Google Play or anywhere they download Podcasts.

Dazed and Disturbed 3 - Cryptids

Thank the gods for Craigslist! I found a Cryptozoologist who explains to us what a cryptid is. Special guest starring Fettucine Alfalfa himself. He is legally bound by a contract to remain anonymous until further notice. Sarah if you are out there, He says he doesn’t want anything to do with you. He has had to order a restraining order because of you. Anyways let’s dive into the world of Cryptids!
Note: add the video of big foot sucked my weenie to the outro.
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Do you have a story you want Danny and friends to cover? Do you have leads on something weird going on that you want to talk about Maybe you are apart of the wicked and weird things Danny covers on his show. We’d love to hear from you!

Email the show at

Be sure to tell your friends about the show on Apple Podcasts of Google Play or anywhere they download Podcasts

Dazed and Disturbed 2 - Body Mods

Ever seen a dude stick saline water into his forehead so he fits in with the cool kids? Ever wonder if it was possible, or plausible, to put real jewels behind your eyes so you can claim you are the jewel of someone’s eyes? If you answered no to either of these then congratulations! I never thought of asking these questions either until Nicole the Troll told me about this phenomena called EXTREME body modifications. Before you say tattoos are extreme, they aren’t. That’s weenie stuff compared to what this episode has in store.

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Do you have a story you want Danny and friends to cover? Do you have leads on something weird going on that you want to talk about Maybe you are apart of the wicked and weird things Danny covers on his show. We’d love to hear from you!

Email the show at

Be sure to tell your friends about the show on Apple Podcasts of Google Play or anywhere they download Podcasts