Posts tagged Funny
Dazed and Disturbed 50 - Valentine's Day in Space!

Hi again all you lovely people! It's definitely been a bit. You were asking where we were? Well it's a long story, But I'm happy to announce that I've returned! Happy belated Valentine's Day! Like every great horror movie of yesterday when you have no clue what to do for your significant other or for Valentine's Day... You send them to space!! Or just somehow bring your character back as a zombie. Tune in to find out if Robert Pattinson should do porn or not!

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Do you have a story you want Danny and friends to cover? Do you have leads on something weird going on that you want to talk about Maybe you are apart of the wicked and weird things Danny covers on his show. We’d love to hear from you!

Email the show at

Find Danny on Twitch: dazed_and_disturbed

Be sure to tell your friends about the show on Apple Podcasts of Google Play or anywhere they download Podcasts.

Dazed and Disturbed Fun Facts III

Danny is on vacation this week so he thought to bring you another Fun Facts episode!

This one has a twist. Money!

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Do you have a story you want Danny and friends to cover? Do you have leads on something weird going on that you want to talk about Maybe you are apart of the wicked and weird things Danny covers on his show. We’d love to hear from you!

Email the show at

Find Danny on Twitch: dazed_and_disturbed

Be sure to tell your friends about the show on Apple Podcasts of Google Play or anywhere they download Podcasts.

Dazed and Disturbed Fun Facts 2

Fun Facts X has returned! This week I have found 9 new facts! I've also slipped in one blatant lie. Some of these I couldn't believe actually existed until I did a little research on them. By research I mean, I searched for it on the web and boom, Mind blown! I should maybe do a contest to see who can spot the lie first....We'll see! Enjoy!

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Do you have a story you want Danny and friends to cover? Do you have leads on something weird going on that you want to talk about Maybe you are apart of the wicked and weird things Danny covers on his show. We’d love to hear from you!

Email the show at

Be sure to tell your friends about the show on Apple Podcasts of Google Play or anywhere they download Podcasts.

Dazed and Disturbed Episode 12 - 1000 Ways to Die Throughout Time

We thought we’d lighten things up this week with a trip though time to the strangest and, admittedly funny ways people have died. From Greece to the Americas, B.C. to A.D. these poor soul’s end was a lesson to us all: “Don’t be like me”

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Do you have a story you want Danny and friends to cover? Do you have leads on something weird going on that you want to talk about Maybe you are apart of the wicked and weird things Danny covers on his show. We’d love to hear from you!

Email the show at

Be sure to tell your friends about the show on Apple Podcasts of Google Play or anywhere they download Podcasts.