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Midnight in the Bay Episode 204 - The Um’s

It’s Monday night which means tomorrow is Tuesday and also another episode of Midnight In The Bay is out! Your host and second favorite dad is back full of jokes, sarcasm and stories! You can catch Alex live this week @ 10/20 Retro Junkie, Walnut Creek, Ca 730pm and at 10/21 Laughs Unlimited, Sacramento, Ca 8pm

Follow Alex on Twitter @AlexWoodyComedy on Instagram @_alexwoodycomedy

Beats provided by White Wolf Muzic @whitewolf1000 on Instagram

Brought to you by Silver Tongue Audio

Follow us on Twitter @SilverTongueCA 

We’re now on Spotify, but I’m sure you already knew that!

We're on Google Play! Tell your Android friends!

Midnight in the Bay Episode 204 - The Um’s
Alex Woody / Sivler Tongut Audio