The NPC Podcast Episode 46 - The Future is Gen9 Podcast, Comedy, Talk ShowPaul FagundesMay 14, 2019Podcast, Video games, Comedy, skit, Anchor, Sony, Switch, Xbox, Apex, Fortnite, news, Overwatch, Playstation, Microsoft, New Episode
The NPC Podcast Extra for May 3, 2019 Podcast, Comedy, Talk ShowPaul FagundesMay 3, 2019Podcast, Bonus, Battle Royal, Anniversary, Comedy, Sony, Xbox, Nintendo, New Episode, Apex, Fortnite, Borderlands 3
The NPC Podcast Episode 45 - Communication Breakdown Podcast, Talk Show, ComedyPaul FagundesApril 19, 2019Podcast, Switch, Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, Borderlands 3, destiny 2, discussions, news, New EpisodeComment
The NPC Podcast Episode 44 - Git Gud Scrub Podcast, Comedy, Talk ShowPaul FagundesApril 5, 2019New Episode, news, Borderlands 3, Stadia, Podcast, skit, Anchor, talk show, Git Gud, Playstation
The NPC Podcast Episode 43 - What Even is Plot? Podcast, Comedy, Talk ShowPaul FagundesMarch 29, 2019Video games, Podcast, New Episode, Story, debate, discussions, Switch, Nintendo, Microsoft, Sony, skits, news, Ad, Paid Ad
The NPC Podcast Episode 42 - Love, Sweet Love Podcast, Comedy, Talk ShowPaul FagundesMarch 8, 2019Podcast, New Episode, Garus Love, skits, Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, news, Apex, Fortnite, destiny 2, Playstation, Xbox, Switch, ad
The NPC Podcast Episode 41 - The Once and Future Fortnite Killer Podcast, Comedy, Talk ShowPaul FagundesFebruary 22, 2019Podcast, Fortnite, Blizzard, Activition, Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, EA, ad, skits, Comedy, New Episode, news
The NPC Podcast Episode 40 - The Epic Digital Steam Market Place Podcast, Comedy, Talk ShowPaul FagundesFebruary 8, 2019Podcast, EA, skits, Sony, Epic, Steam, Comedy, news, New Episode, a, Microsoft, Nintendo